Saturday, September 19, 2009

Dear Keli (2)

Dear Keli:

Hows it going? I miss you. I told you I'd write you and I guess maybe it sounded like a postcard or something written. Oh, well. Maybe that will come. I still need to go to the touristy parts of the city and pick up things like postcards to mail.

Anyway, your birthday is coming up on Monday and I just want you to know that I haven't forgotten. And no, not because Facebook and Myspace keep reminding me. I finally figured out what to mail you, but apparently they don't call it the snail-mail for nothing, especially when it comes to shipping overseas. I'll see if I can express it at a reasonable rate.

How are things going with you? I hear you guys are still doing things with my family, which is cool. I'm glad you guys are neighbors, and such good friends. Its weird, huh? I never thought things would be the way they are now, but I definitely like it. I know my family really likes you guys. I hope that when Nati is in Berlin you guys still hang out with my mom. I hear she's brewing up activities for you guys to do (probably involving alcohol, but hey ...)

In any case, let me know how you are doing - interviews, things with Ryan, and such. Have fun in Philly this weekend!

Love - Julian

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